The ammo for the AEK is not hard 2 find but its not easy neither, its quite expensive from traders but I can afford it. I'll probaly upgrade later and get some NATO weapom but idk. For a rifle I have the AEK 971 fully upgraded with a pso-1m scope, tgp-silencer and gp 25 grenade launcher. Currently i'm saving to get a better version of the TB 1. I suggest you get the addon I mentoined above and you will get more outfits, theres all kinds in it. I also use the exo_backpack but i've edited its side effects like -10 radiation and shit and made it hold 90kg instead. For armour, I use to have both of the suits that you got from the scientist, but later swaped it for the TB-1, i fully upgaded it and its awesome. It can be bought at the duty trader I think. It shots faster than the Armsel but it can hold only 8 shots compared to the 12 8f the armsel, for ammo I use the 12x70 (cheap kind) because of its spread, i carry 40 shots of ammo flr the shotgun, only reason i keep the shotgun is for mutants and rarely close quarter combat. I later sold it because it caused my death a couple times cuz of its slow reloading and baught a Saiga, it has pretty much the same stats as the Armsel but its faster at reloading,more light and it can hold a Cobra red dot. At first I used an Armsel Protecta (i think thats how you say it) and it was ok but very heavy and slow reloading.